Turn the page

There’s only one shot at life and our journey unfolds based on the choices and actions we take each day–all of which have consequences, good or bad.

With the advances in technology, we have a multitude of options at our fingertips to socialize, learn, work and play. While this opens doors to opportunity, the digital world has left some of the activities behind that bring joy and curiosity to stretch our minds beyond iphone apps.

Going back to turning the page vs tapping a button may bring that spark back into our lives that we forgot brought a greater sense of humanity and purpose in realizing that the planet earth is full of amazing life beyond the dirt.

Here’s a book that maybe helpful in surfacing some die hard habits that need to be tweaked to kick start a new game plan to revive the indomitable spirit that lies within us–check out Atomic Habits by James Clear.

And practicing a new approach to life may require some hard work–writing down what refuels the spirit will help determine what needs to stay or go in the path forward. Here’s a journal that maybe helpful in not only tapping into gratitude but understanding the habits that need to be buried–The Best Journal Ever. Not sure where to start with journaling, here’s a resource with pictures and steps to help devise a schedule and action plan.

The more that you organize your habits around an identity rather than an outcome, the more that you see the value in just sticking with it, even if it’s a small thing.”—James Clear, author, Atomic Habits

May the footlights of your dreams illumine the path ahead, bringing happiness and dominion to the forefront of each day. Turn the page and discover something new!

Experiencing Jerusalem

There are no words to describe the experience while walking through history in Jerusalem. The extraordinary city known as the jewel in the crown was absolutely captivating with each step within the heart of the gem.

Steeped in history and Islam’s third holiest city, the presence of church bells and prayers line the streets and fill the air while the hustle and bustle of curious tourists soak in the rich biblical culture dating back to the Bronze Age.

While hard to visualize and feel the intense overwhelming emotion while retracing the steps of The Via Dolorosa in Bible study or Church sermons, experiencing the route on foot led by Franciscan monks every Friday, was the height of the journey through time when I fulfilled my dream to walk along the path. There was no containing the weeping from the start of first station at the Church of the Flagellation through the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where it ends. The spiritual vibration at every stop while listening to the hum of prayer was a peaceful state of being that one can only sense in the flesh than through the narratives described on paper.

There are plenty of places to get a night’s rest, but the one that stood out the most was the short stay at the Saint George’s Cathedral. The peace and tranquility of the affordable guest house is filled with character and offers simple accommodation with stories of the holy city.

From the Old City to the elaborate temples, there’s a blend of ancient history with a modern flare that lines the streets of the markets where you can find a good bargain, breath in the subtle scents of spices and savor local delicatessen.

To get the most out of the trip, pack layers of clothing and a couple pairs of comfortable walking shoes… there’s so much to discover within every street corner that you will want to schedule every hour of day light to soak in the fascinating traditions of the blended backgrounds and amazing sights.

Journey to the top of Masada

There’s no words to describe the liberating feeling when I reached the top of Masada!

The mountain sits 1424 feet high overlooking the dead sea and is rich in history with battles that shook the fortress walls. Making the trek up the winding path was no easy feet in the wee early morning before sunrise which felt like hours but the walk elapsed less than two hours. It is highly recommended to remain hydrated along the way, especially in warmer weather, and pack a few salty snacks to keep nourished through the day.

Reaching the top of the mountain, the destruction of the palace is evident by the remains of the siege. Beginning the walk around the dwellings, bath house and store rooms, your imagination takes you back to the years of excavation in ancient B.C. times when tools and resources that built the fascinating structure was constructed by hand.

The stonework of the lavash palace in that time is incredible and mosaic floors are absolutely becoming.

After spending the day at one of the highest parts of the earth, take yourself to the lowest spot on land for a dip into the dead sea. While animal life in the water is non-existent, people flock to the area and float on top of the oily waves–a body of water that contains the highest amount of mineral content in any body of water across the globe.

As we journey through life, we face mountains along the way and we struggle to navigate around the massive weight that presses upon our shoulders. But when you climb a mountain in your lifetime and explore history on foot, you discover that there’s no mountain that can stand between you and the pursuit of your dreams!

Simply can’t relate

Loss of a loved one…


Job loss…

Financial ruins…

Natural disaster…


All of the above life events happen randomly and sometimes people never see the blow coming—literally knocking them down. The impact is indescribable and each one can deeply impact a person’s ability to function because they feel the rug pulled right from under them in slow motion.

This post comes at a time for me as I enter into 2021 and look back at the unfolding events in my life on top of the pandemic. In March 2020 my dear mom went to the hospital for a pain in her side and like any other day, expected her to be released and sent home with pain meds. Well two months later, she earned her wings and the wound remains open because like so many, she was taken at a time when no one could be at her side, hold her hand and give that hug of hope. 

The after effects and all the circumstances of trying to do the right thing during a pandemic and lay a family member to rest was beyond imaginable—there’s something terribly wrong when you live your whole life thinking that family always has your back then the glue that held everything together is suddenly gone. 

As I face the new year, I will take the life experience and lessons learned as I move forward to live life with kindness, support and encouragement. The challenges, trials and loss people go through surfaces fear and a handful of other emotions that not everyone can simply relate—this can alter their behavior and actions that may ruffle feathers that causes blood to boil. Unless you walked in their shoes or experienced their loss, the magnitude and gravity of their wound is far from a grasp but the extension of your hand can be the comfort they need. So I pray my brothers and sisters that these unprecedented times will bring more compassion and a lens to humanity to help one another to navigate through the storm. #WeAreStrongerTogether

Discover Your Path

We tend to look outside or to others when our emotions are under constant struggle. This results in our mind translating our outer behaviors which determines how the day unfolds.

Pause for a moment everyday to transform your inner being and reach to the depth of your soul for balance and peace.

Discover a new secret sauce to stay motivated through trying times that will lead you along the path you are destined to reap the joy and happiness your soul thirsts for.

Start somewhere

It’s not the things that happen to us that shape our future, it’s the attitude toward it that directs the path forward. 

In 2016, at 3 years old, my nephew was diagnosed with a terminal disease and there were no words to describe the devastating blow. It took a long hard time to come to grips with the fact that his life would be forever changed but after doing research, it was learned that there are a whole lot of families faced with navigating some form of mitochondrial disease. The stories rocked me to the core and brought me to confirm that ‘people don’t understand until they are taught or until it happens to them’. Our family had no idea what Leigh Disease was or how on earth our sweet Tanner could possibly have contracted it—it was through this journey that we formed the Facebook page Mito Disease Awareness. Through this page, along with the online store, we advocate for disease awareness and share the mito journey in hopes that it will help another family … it was a start.

With the world we live in, there are ample examples of what people are doing to pay it forward. Love the recent Hallmark campaign, ‘when you care enough’. Check out the stories here and find out how you too can change the world! 

Pause for a moment, still your mind—this is the time to refuel and redesign the future. Start somewhere is better than starting nothing at all—helping others with small acts of kindness will create priceless moments that this world needs to shine the light on doing good for one another. 

Broke Down on Thanksgiving

The one day a year families from near and afar gather together for reflection, food and laughter!

Our plans were fully inteded to do so as we headed out early Thanksgiving morning, my husband one way and I another to spend time with each of our families. As our journey’s begun, my husband got broke down. A half hour to board my last flight, I couldn’t bear to leave my husband stranded so I turned around!

As  everyone was carving turkey’s and toasting in good spirit, we were scrambling to figure out how we were going to get through this. With no tow trucks in service on Thanksgiving day to tow 300 miles, we decided to call it a night and not drain our spirit.

The next day we arise and a tow truck was available that morning to our surprise! After 300 miles and the broke down ordeal, I reflect on the experience that was not at all ideal! Although it was stressful and dreadful to be stranded, we are thankful that we were not truly left empty handed. While we are grateful for all we needed to call upon, unfortunately a couple left us with a frown:(

First off, a HUGE THANKS to AAA for calming our fears with the first question on the phone call before anything else, “Are you safe?” We appreciated the sincere apology for the concerted effort to find a tow on Thanksgiving night!

Then to Delta, although the experience was not as smooth, I was able to get on a return flight without to much askew. Life lesson learned at the airport — all the Delta Help desks in the terminal with the staff behind the counter, are not all what I hoped for! I arrived at the counter and advised the agent that I needed to get on a flight back home to get to my husband who was broke down — ‘sorry can’t assist you, please use the phone to adjust your flight’ … so much for my initial plight!

Safely landed at my return destination and off I was to Hertz. Fortunately with my Tmobile account, I was able to get Delta inflight wifi at no cost and book a Hertz rental which is a partner with AAA that offered 30% off. It was Thanksgiving and the Gold counter at Hertz was closed so I got dropped at the main building. The agent looked up my rental and directed me to go outside and turn to the left and pick a car. At first it was excitement that I got a choice but after getting outside and turning left, which was opposite the Gold lot, my bubble quickly burst. I chose a car out of the three on the lot however being a Gold member I thought I would double check — the response was not so golden but at least I had wheels to press on. The short of the story with Hertz, the rental agreement did not include the AAA CDP discount that my confirmed itinerary clearly stated. After dealing with customer service and manager at the rental location, because I drove off the lot, it was basically my fault!

The silver lining, we made it through and gained a higher appreciation for our AAA roadside assistance and premier membership. And learned that no matter what your situation is, the big leaders in the service industry, Delta and Hertz don’t care — sorry honey, we just want your money!

The armor of light

Looking back at August 19, 2016, I was in a place in my life where the path was leading me down a journey I had never been before — one of complete despair and helplessness. On August 4, 2016, my nephew Tanner was diagnosed with a life threatening disease and according to the doctor there was little time left in my sweet nephew’s life — this led to the post no one is immune to tragedy. While this article remains to be true as there are countless tragedies documented everyday, the one thing that was not true — the time marked by the doctor on Tanner’s life.

It has been a whirlwind of a difficult year, especially for his parents and younger brother, but Tanner remains to be with us. They were very fortunate to be able to find another medical facility and doctor to research the condition which resulted in treatment — not like the recent unfortunate extremely heartbreaking experience the parents of Charlie Gard went through. Keep in mind mitochondrial diseases are rare and there are many different forms, which brings to the realization that not every medical facility or hospital may have the expertise needed in identifying the signs and symptoms. Fortunately for the Estopinan family, they found a doctor who was able to treat their son Arturo, who was diagnosed with the same rare disease as Charlie, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome — here again as noted in the article the family was initially told by doctors that their son would die a few months after his diagnosis and that there was no medical treatment for his condition.

Parents who are given devastating news of their child (or loved one) being diagnosed with a terminal disease are faced with a do or die situation. And there’s absolutely NO ONE who can directly relate to their gut wrenching circumstances but those who have lived through similar situations — they can relate to a level of the emotional and financial turbulence the families are hit with. Support and understanding from family, friends, neighbors and strangers won’t deliver healing but it brings a level of comfort knowing that people are gracious, kind and thoughtful to the difficult journey that turned their lives completely upside down — shielding them with the armor of light not darkness!

“When I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me” ~ Micah 7:8

Life is complex enough each and everyday because our free will allows us to experience our own human choices but when it is compounded with tragedy, the disappointment and grief can engulf the soul. So my hope and prayer for the people of the world, soften your hearts and know that your step in life is not the same as anyone else — some walk each day in darkness and their darkness deepens if they are not surrounded by grace to bring them around to the other side. If someone you know is going through troubling circumstances, where the armor of light to help support them through their step. In closing, God does not create pain, heartache or suffering — how we transcend the tragedy walking step by step with God will reveal the purpose and peace to the storm.

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” ~ Romans 13:12

It Starts at Home

With 2016 in the past, there are quite a few who can agree it’s a year to put in the past and move forward with a clean slate into 2017!  Across the globe there were highs and lows like most years, but the travesties left a mark on 2016 that changed the path forward for many families.

Reflecting on Michelle Obama’s final speech, there’s words of wisdom everyone can take away from it:

“I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong,” she said. “So don’t be afraid. You hear me, young people? Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered.

“Empower yourself with a good education. Then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise. Lead by example with hope, never fear. And know that I will be with you, rooting for you and working to support you for the rest of my life.”

To withstand the challenges in any community, it starts at home. Parents need to take accountability and responsibility to set an example for their children. There were a number of countless senseless acts that took place in 2016 and these will continue in 2017 if we don’t take a stand to narrow the divide to create unity. We are all one, with a heartbeat and soul, no matter the color, gender or religious beliefs — regardless of the situation, do not give the power to anyone to steal your joy or that of a family, friend or stranger!

We are not born to be prejudice, this is a behavior that is taught and causes cultural differences to clash. The teachings of the bible reflect on this too:  Romans 15:17  “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”

Be who you want to be and remember it takes humility to build bridges — kick judgement and ego to the curb!

As Michelle Obama states:

“That is not a threat to who we are – it makes us who we are,” she said. “So the young people here and the young people out there, don’t ever let anyone make you feel like you don’t matter or like you don’t have a place in our American story because you do, and you have a right to be exactly who you are.”

May grace and mercy be upon you as the journey in 2017 opens doors, brings joys and new beginnings.

Quote source: Michelle Obama’s final speech

Finding Strength When the Bough Breaks

There’s absolutely nothing in life that prepares you for a tragedy, devastating news or loss of a loved one, especially a child. Life as it presents itself each day, comes with the usual daily grind which is different for everyone no matter gender, status or race — we all face the good, the bad and the ugly!

A Saskatoon family is facing trying times as CTV news reports “live everyday as if it were your last” and how the “family is making the most of every moment”. When a doctor suggests to “live as if every day is Tanner’s last”, there’s no words to express the reaction to this gut wrenching news. 

We all face tough days but the affects of learning someone you love has a rare terminal illness is far reaching. This type of diagnosis is read in the paper, broadcasted in the news, shared on Facebook and occasionally Tweeted — it never hits home that something like this can happen to your own family. Like most families with a newborn, they cradle them with lullabies, one of the most traditional, ‘Rock-a-bye Baby’ to sooth the baby to sleep. After nurturing and loving a healthy baby to a bouncing toddler, who prepares to have the bough break

There is nothing more special than the bond, safety and comfort that a parent shares with their child. Until the ‘ugly’ stirs up your day, the extreme vulnerability that comes with facing death, is the most trying thing that shakes your foundation. But know this, if the bough breaks, find that steady and still place, have the courage to face the heartbreaking news, and allow love and support of family and friends to guide you through. Thanks to GoFundMe, there a numerous counts of communities coming together to help others in the time of need across the globe — Tanner Wilson’s story fighting Leigh Disease is one of them! 

The ups and downs of cultivating wholesome values and living life to its fullest are so important each and everyday — never take for granted or lose site of a humble life, it is precious.

The more awareness is raised of the rare Leigh Disease will help another family in need. If you are moved to help Tanner Wilson, please share his story and support through the GoFundMe Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/2jmsbt8k.

Life isn’t easy. We all experience the ups and downs of relationships, career, and choices. Some of our best plans go awry. Lifelong dreams don’t come true. People fail us, and we fail others too. Maybe worst of all is the heartbreak of rejection. ~ Tim Tebow