Discover your why

Taking the time to discover your why will help understand what fuels your energy in the things that you do everyday. Before I read the books, Start With Why and Find Your Why by Simon Sinek, I already knew the elements that make me fulfilled in my professional journey, but the examples and stories solidified that I am on the correct path.

There were times in my career that I dropped into a slump and reflecting back, the environment and conditions I was working in did not align to my core sense of purpose. Understanding what connects you to the very existence of your being will help identify the things that matter most both personally and professionally. I have learned that the collective power of the people are fueled to action when there’s a common or mutually agreed upon vision–we all understand the destiny but our paths to get there can vary greatly. For instance, the latest trending Wordle game has brought co-workers, friends and family to share their status and winning streak–everyone can start with a different word of choice but ultimately will land on the the right one for the day or not.

Through a discovery process, think about what comes naturally and releases a positive flow of energy. Pen your thoughts, highlighting the areas that allowed you to thrive and marking the ones that blocked your sense of impact. Take it a step further and note the people you were with, the environment and how the experience made you feel–by documenting a week or two will show where your internal compass was aligned to your being. Furthermore, the patterns will reveal the conditions to avoid and the ones to focus on that will allow your fullest potential to shape who you are designed to be.

Explore and discover what sets your soul on fire will solidify your passion and emanate the positive flow of energy–shining the light on your why too!

Live with intention

There’s numerous life lessons that pass us by but if anything has been unearthed this last year in 2020 apart from the pandemic, is living with intention. With a number of outlets shutdown or operating under compressed hours, we found ourselves discovering new ways to be active.

Recent studies published by Pew Research, reveal more people are working from home and statistics shared by SHRM reflect that productivity was not adversely impacted. And the jobs that do not offer teleworking flexibility gave pause to people to circumvent their choice of job they want to be in if they no longer felt comfortable in the public environment due to the risks associated with the pandemic.

When you tap into your innermost being and determine what is of value in life, then you can chip away at what is really working and what is not–living with intention is different from purpose. Many struggle with trying to find their true self and how to fit into society, but what really matters is learning how to be confident in bringing your whole being to light.

When people have a real sense of legacy, a sense of mattering, a sense of contribution, it seems to tap into the deepest part of their heart and soul. It brings out the best and subordinates the rest.” ~ Stephen R. Covey

We hear numerous statements online, in the news and at work, that we will be returning back to normal soon. But what does normal look like? Last year, normal was facing long days of commuting, working, learning or simply struggling to get through one day at a time. We are navigating through a time of change and redefining who we are that propels us into surfacing a new sauce to stir up. Finding the sweet spot in between, maybe the recipe that blends life’s elements together, rather than boiled over into burnout—a normal no one desires to be part of.

By restricting access to toxicity and misinformation, the world around us will become less obscure of negativity because bad news tends to linger in our minds longer than good news. Take action and step into a new normal of living with intention to bring a fresh outlook not only in your job but also at home too. When you create your own story with a dazzle of sunshine, others will want to know what’s in your secret sauce because radiant energy is more captivating than one that carries no beam at all!

Be Still

Life can quickly pass us by when we find ourselves caught up in the busyness of life and don’t have enough hours in the day to get stuff done.

Are you feeling stuck in the moment because life has you spinning around in circles? Stop and be still. Take a few deep breaths, embrace the environment you are in, and ask yourself what can wait until tomorrow.

If you want to refresh your journey and improve your well-being, then you have to take steps to revamp your day. Each day opens up with choosing how to face the battles versus letting the situation run you. Focus on clearing your mind and embracing a healthy outlook on reshaping the path forward.

There are numerous books, groups and online learnings to help pull you through but here’s a few links to get you started.

It’s never too late to start something new!

Simply can’t relate

Loss of a loved one…


Job loss…

Financial ruins…

Natural disaster…


All of the above life events happen randomly and sometimes people never see the blow coming—literally knocking them down. The impact is indescribable and each one can deeply impact a person’s ability to function because they feel the rug pulled right from under them in slow motion.

This post comes at a time for me as I enter into 2021 and look back at the unfolding events in my life on top of the pandemic. In March 2020 my dear mom went to the hospital for a pain in her side and like any other day, expected her to be released and sent home with pain meds. Well two months later, she earned her wings and the wound remains open because like so many, she was taken at a time when no one could be at her side, hold her hand and give that hug of hope. 

The after effects and all the circumstances of trying to do the right thing during a pandemic and lay a family member to rest was beyond imaginable—there’s something terribly wrong when you live your whole life thinking that family always has your back then the glue that held everything together is suddenly gone. 

As I face the new year, I will take the life experience and lessons learned as I move forward to live life with kindness, support and encouragement. The challenges, trials and loss people go through surfaces fear and a handful of other emotions that not everyone can simply relate—this can alter their behavior and actions that may ruffle feathers that causes blood to boil. Unless you walked in their shoes or experienced their loss, the magnitude and gravity of their wound is far from a grasp but the extension of your hand can be the comfort they need. So I pray my brothers and sisters that these unprecedented times will bring more compassion and a lens to humanity to help one another to navigate through the storm. #WeAreStrongerTogether

Bolden the culture of kindness and bring on something new

Over the years we have invested and committed to a wide variety of activities that include external engagement efforts, giving back, community programs and virtual events. This last year we recognized that there is significant opportunity not only in our traditional approach in social responsibility, but also in giving back to the communities we live and work in as we face the challenge of the pandemic—we all have the ability to build on the foundation that delivers long-term value in our communities to bolden the culture of kindness.

We need to ignite the passion of giving back to make an impact where it matters—strengthening the core of our inner most values, not only in our professional lives but personally too, will develop the culture we yearn for.

As we enter into the new year, look for the opportunities to help those in need. The travesty of 2020 will eventually be behind us, but there will be the lingering impact to our lives for months, possibly years to come. Being part of the difference doesn’t always come in the form of money, it can be devoting your time to listen, to teach or mentor and there are many programs to get involved with to provide meals for those who are home-bound at this time. 

Keep in mind as we journey into 2021, the past does not determine our future because we have the power to change our behaviors and tap into calls to action that aim at fostering good in our lives and communities. For instance, there are limitations on the way we live at this time, but it doesn’t mean that we have to stop living our best life. The time we have now at home, can be a start to a new beginning by fueling our brains with ideas and different ways to not only pivot but also adapt to a refreshed normal or family favorite throwback like reinventing drive-in movies!

Technology has consumed our lives and shifted our mindsets to all things digital that blocks [or starves] our ability to reach the depths of our creative imagination—many ideas 30 plus years ago were shaped in sandboxes or swinging in the park. Change doesn’t have to be about inventing a new product or building the foundation of a business from scratch, it can be taking a craft or a hobby and turning it into a powerful force of kindness—virtually connecting with seniors to get them moving indoors will not only create positive energy but happiness that fuels longevity. 

Extending your spirit and heart beyond FaceTime, Instagram, Twitter and streaming can transform the future that will move our communities forward and foster social responsibility in the world. Pause for a moment, put the mobile phone down and pull out the jigsaw puzzle, then let your mind flow freely to visualize your future—refresh your way of thinking to bring on something new and add that sparkle of color back to your life! 

Bolden the culture of kindness and bring on something new!

Your Story

The choices made each and everyday will either impact your life and/or someone else’s life—choose to rise above with a positive attitude no matter the situation. This will paint a legacy of positive contributions from the dedication to the causes that are dear to your heart.

Even when adversity crosses your path, don’t be tempted to face it with fear. It is fear that casts a shadow of darkness on a successful journey but overcoming the situation with an attitude of courage will kick the tempted negative behavior to the curb!

And don’t forget, this is your journey and never ever let anyone rob a chapter out of your story. There will be bumps and curves along the way, but maintaining your truth will propel you forward.

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” ~ Steve Jobs

Today you may not see a way, but take a moment to pause and reflect on the moments in life that brought you through to this day. Self reflection will help you close a chapter and start a new one. Your story doesn’t end here, it continues to evolve because only YOU have the power to choose how it is going to end!

Let there be Light

Break open each day with gratitude for the blessing of being able to wake each day to have the opportunity to choose how you are going to serve will build a solid purposeful foundation in your life—weaving service into your life, will bring you a happy heart and become the fabric of your being.

The world we live in comes with triumphs, joy and unfortunately darkness. As part of your day, choose kindness to each and everyone who crosses your path, even if they sour your day—you don’t know what has overshadowed their light. Hopelessness from loss, sickness or hurt can take a toll on the soul and shift the journey in life down a dark narrow path—losing purpose and spirit.

Be the light in someone’s day and their step will shine brighter for the footlights of love will illumine their path—bringing hope and happiness to the forefront of our everyday being.

Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling! ~ Psalm 43:3

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ~ Psalm 119:105

Rise above the obsessions of this world and don’t fall to temptation of those who utter in darkness. For some it is a struggle to be accepted in this world and it is a trying path if they are not guided by those in their circle to refrain from letting the darkness take dominion over their lives—be the light to a friend or a family member who is facing a life-changing event. Feeling nudged to help someone or serve in your community will not only feed your spirit but it may make a huge difference in the course of someone’s life.

Light dawns in the darkness for the upright; he is gracious, merciful, and righteous.. ~ Psalm 112:4

Start somewhere is better than starting nothing at all—may purpose and light be in every step you take! 

Change requires CHOICES

Talking about change is like the saying ‘a watched pot never boils’!

No matter the circumstances, NO ONE can CHANGE another person–only circumstances and a person’s OWN WILL to change brings actions to create the steps to turn things around.

The tragic events happening in America demonstrate that there needs to be change, but the only thing that changes is the conversation. For instance there are numerous statements and accusations in the media that consistently point towards blame rather than accountability.

@FLGovScott calls on FBI Director Christopher Wray to resign, however, the Governor has done nothing to change gun violence in the state of Florida and is now home to two of the deadliest mass shootings.

@realDonaldTrump also points blame at the FBI, yet he repealed a gun check law last year, a regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

If one person on this list chooses to no longer accept money from the NRA, would that manifest change? Maybe or maybe not! But we don’t know unless ONE of these members of congress CHOOSES to SAY NO and looks to create ways to change the laws.

What if @FlGovScott changed the law at the state level after the deadliest Orlando mass shooting in 2016? Think about this, he had the opportunity to change the law that could have made it hard to purchase assault weapons.

There are no words to describe the heartbreak for the mass shootings in America and occurring way to often in a nation where everyone should feel safe. As the discussions and debates take place over gun laws, there’s a greater conversation that needs to take place–WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION. Rather than put money into building a wall or a parade, there needs to be an investment in schools and public facilities to ensure that violence has NO PLACE IN AMERICA.

Take a moment to write elected officials, have a voice in the change, everyone can help make a difference–it’s YOUR CHOICE!

Broke Down on Thanksgiving

The one day a year families from near and afar gather together for reflection, food and laughter!

Our plans were fully inteded to do so as we headed out early Thanksgiving morning, my husband one way and I another to spend time with each of our families. As our journey’s begun, my husband got broke down. A half hour to board my last flight, I couldn’t bear to leave my husband stranded so I turned around!

As  everyone was carving turkey’s and toasting in good spirit, we were scrambling to figure out how we were going to get through this. With no tow trucks in service on Thanksgiving day to tow 300 miles, we decided to call it a night and not drain our spirit.

The next day we arise and a tow truck was available that morning to our surprise! After 300 miles and the broke down ordeal, I reflect on the experience that was not at all ideal! Although it was stressful and dreadful to be stranded, we are thankful that we were not truly left empty handed. While we are grateful for all we needed to call upon, unfortunately a couple left us with a frown:(

First off, a HUGE THANKS to AAA for calming our fears with the first question on the phone call before anything else, “Are you safe?” We appreciated the sincere apology for the concerted effort to find a tow on Thanksgiving night!

Then to Delta, although the experience was not as smooth, I was able to get on a return flight without to much askew. Life lesson learned at the airport — all the Delta Help desks in the terminal with the staff behind the counter, are not all what I hoped for! I arrived at the counter and advised the agent that I needed to get on a flight back home to get to my husband who was broke down — ‘sorry can’t assist you, please use the phone to adjust your flight’ … so much for my initial plight!

Safely landed at my return destination and off I was to Hertz. Fortunately with my Tmobile account, I was able to get Delta inflight wifi at no cost and book a Hertz rental which is a partner with AAA that offered 30% off. It was Thanksgiving and the Gold counter at Hertz was closed so I got dropped at the main building. The agent looked up my rental and directed me to go outside and turn to the left and pick a car. At first it was excitement that I got a choice but after getting outside and turning left, which was opposite the Gold lot, my bubble quickly burst. I chose a car out of the three on the lot however being a Gold member I thought I would double check — the response was not so golden but at least I had wheels to press on. The short of the story with Hertz, the rental agreement did not include the AAA CDP discount that my confirmed itinerary clearly stated. After dealing with customer service and manager at the rental location, because I drove off the lot, it was basically my fault!

The silver lining, we made it through and gained a higher appreciation for our AAA roadside assistance and premier membership. And learned that no matter what your situation is, the big leaders in the service industry, Delta and Hertz don’t care — sorry honey, we just want your money!

The armor of light

Looking back at August 19, 2016, I was in a place in my life where the path was leading me down a journey I had never been before — one of complete despair and helplessness. On August 4, 2016, my nephew Tanner was diagnosed with a life threatening disease and according to the doctor there was little time left in my sweet nephew’s life — this led to the post no one is immune to tragedy. While this article remains to be true as there are countless tragedies documented everyday, the one thing that was not true — the time marked by the doctor on Tanner’s life.

It has been a whirlwind of a difficult year, especially for his parents and younger brother, but Tanner remains to be with us. They were very fortunate to be able to find another medical facility and doctor to research the condition which resulted in treatment — not like the recent unfortunate extremely heartbreaking experience the parents of Charlie Gard went through. Keep in mind mitochondrial diseases are rare and there are many different forms, which brings to the realization that not every medical facility or hospital may have the expertise needed in identifying the signs and symptoms. Fortunately for the Estopinan family, they found a doctor who was able to treat their son Arturo, who was diagnosed with the same rare disease as Charlie, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome — here again as noted in the article the family was initially told by doctors that their son would die a few months after his diagnosis and that there was no medical treatment for his condition.

Parents who are given devastating news of their child (or loved one) being diagnosed with a terminal disease are faced with a do or die situation. And there’s absolutely NO ONE who can directly relate to their gut wrenching circumstances but those who have lived through similar situations — they can relate to a level of the emotional and financial turbulence the families are hit with. Support and understanding from family, friends, neighbors and strangers won’t deliver healing but it brings a level of comfort knowing that people are gracious, kind and thoughtful to the difficult journey that turned their lives completely upside down — shielding them with the armor of light not darkness!

“When I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me” ~ Micah 7:8

Life is complex enough each and everyday because our free will allows us to experience our own human choices but when it is compounded with tragedy, the disappointment and grief can engulf the soul. So my hope and prayer for the people of the world, soften your hearts and know that your step in life is not the same as anyone else — some walk each day in darkness and their darkness deepens if they are not surrounded by grace to bring them around to the other side. If someone you know is going through troubling circumstances, where the armor of light to help support them through their step. In closing, God does not create pain, heartache or suffering — how we transcend the tragedy walking step by step with God will reveal the purpose and peace to the storm.

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” ~ Romans 13:12